Film Review


Dodgeball (12a)
dir. Rawson Marshall Thurber, 2004
starring Vince Vaughn, Ben Stiller, Christine Taylor and Rip Torn, with William Shatner & David Hasselhoff

There are two types of Ben Stiller film: conventional comedies, like Along Came Polly; and absurd comedies, like Starsky And Hutch. Dodgeball, a film which barely registers that one of its main characters thinks he’s a pirate, sits squarely in the latter category.

Although Stiller dominates the film, Vince Vaughn takes the lead role. He plays Pete, a laid-back gym owner who doesn’t bother to collect fees from the five misfits that comprise his membership.

As a result, he’s about to lose the gym to his rival, Stiller, whose fascistic Globo Gym urges customers to hate themselves enough to change. In the end, ownership will be decided by which of their teams wins the national Dodgeball championship.

Sounds ridiculous? Well of course it is, and that’s precisely why it’s so funny. One of the team’s training methods is to dodge traffic on a motorway. In their first match, the championship rules somehow oblige them to wear S&M outfits.

As well as being absurd, this is also a shamelessly lowbrow film. This is an asset for the most part, assuming you like slapstick, although it does lead to a few crass moments: in a film whose message is one of self-acceptance, the fat jokes seem misjudged.

Vaughn is charming, in a tricky role requiring him to play completely straight, while everything around him is insane. Stiller is at his tightly-wound best, although he gets too much screen time for what is a fairly one-dimensional part.

However these are minor quibbles, as this is a hilarious comedy in the Saturday Night Live tradition; as broad as Happy Gilmore, and as funny as Starsky And Hutch. Dodgeball should not be missed.

David Haviland, 25.08.04