Milton Jones
Milton Jones & Matt Welcome,
Bullingdon Comedy Club, 30.04.03

‘For the show virgins…hello, and welcome. Our aim tonight is to make you laugh until you leave a little bit of wee on your seat.’

Oxford Scouser Silky was on excellent compering form on May eve at the monthly Bullingdon comedy club. The line up was impressive - Milton Jones (of Radio 4’s ‘The Very World of Milton Jones’, and Time Out’s 2003 best comedy performance award winner) and all-round posh boy Will Smith (not that Will Smith). Whilst Smith pulled out at the last minute due to having to record a TV pilot (proof, if any was required, that Silky only books the cream of the comedy crop), we were not destined to be disappointed. Into his sweaty shoes stepped the immaculately ironed Mr Matt Welcome, sarcastic man of the month, and after Silky had subdued the boring hecklers (led by Richard The Lawyer) the fun began.

Welcome takes a pack of cards, selects one, and rips the top right corner off it. ‘See that? That’s the whole pack fucked,’ he says as he scatters the deck on the floor. He doesn’t do magic. He does however do sarcasm, maniacal laconic pedantry and the odd corny girly joke (‘After dinner, the waiter asked us how we’d like our coffee. She said “Strong, dark, and sweet, like my men.” I said I’d just have mine fucking irritable once a month…’). Never before have I heard a man rework the title of “You are the Wind Beneath My Wings’ so that it makes correct aerodynamical sense. This man used to work in computers for an insurance company in Belgium (‘I know what you’re thinking…but it wasn’t that exciting’), and this shines through - but not in a bad way. The man deserves all the recognition he can get. He also dealt well with Rich Lawyer and Friends.

A quick interval to refill our glasses, an intro to allow Silky to have a go at some more of the front row (you know you’re in Oxford when your Tolkien reference - by way of a Gollum impression - gets the best laugh) and onto the stage with a slow bound came Milton Jones. With a rubber face, mad hair, staring eyes and the constant mellifluous undergiggle of a madman, Jones is the king of gently twisted one-liners. ‘Some people say the firefighters should get more money…but apparently a poll was taken and they all fell through a hole in the floor…’ It’s the way he tells ‘em. Keeping up with the punchlines of the talented writer was a challenge all of its own, and not one for the very drunk. ‘Apparently in China all kids learning the piano start with a tune called Knife & Fork…’

Whilst lacking the apparently relaxed and flowing spontaneity of a Simon Munnery (for example), yet going some way toward emulating the same crazy mannerisms and skew-wiff perspective on life, Milton’s mild insanity is endearing (and his silencing of Marcus the Moron, another dull heckler, was masterful). Catch him while he’s still wearing the jumper donated to him by a stalker.

Next month expect ‘hard-drinking, sweaty, irritable Canadian’ Mike Wilmott, just back from winning a Barry (Oz’s Perrier) in Melbourne. Bring it on.

Su Jordan, 01.05.03

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