I went along to The Vagina Monologues with a male friend who assured me he would be wearing his embarrassment-proof socks. I even prepared myself for some level of shock (English feminist that I am). Little did I expect to experience a gamut of all emotions bar embarrassment when faced with the frank individual stories of real women about their most private of parts.

The Vagina Monologues were inspired by award-winning American playwright Eve Ensler's interviews with numerous women from around the world, of ages from 6 to 75. The things they say are surprising, amazing, beautiful, heart-rending, appalling, inspiring - and they all revolve around their c***s (a word 'reclaimed' in the show). It may go without saying, but if you are offended by explicit language, this is not the show for you! On the other hand, if you know someone whose perspective really needs altering, it is probably a good idea to take them along..

A little apprehensive about seeing the broadway smash performed by amateurs in a college theatre, I could not have been more impressed by the fantastic Elsinore Theatre Company. Amateurs they are not, despite the fact that, yes, they are all current students (none of them of drama). The company was only established at the end of 2001, but the quality of this, their first production, suggests that the next - Picasso at the Lapin Agile, at OFS in Trinity term 2002 - will be a cracker.

Both men and women will learn a lot here. For example, were you aware of the following Vagina Fact: there are 8,000 nerve endings in the clitoris - twice as many as there are in the penis? Make what you will of that - and then think for a minute about female genital mutilation. That's the kind of impact this show has.

In answer to one wonderful question in the show (you'll understand once you've seen it), namely: "Are Bobs born, or are they made?", I would say from my modest experience that it is probably a bit of both. By taking more interest in themselves, and learning to love what they find out, women can help create Bobs (and Bobettes!) too. Seeing this play will give women a bit of assistance in these tasks. The Monologues deserve a packed house every night, and if the first night was anything to go on, they will get it. Get your tickets now.

Su Jordan, 05.03.02

The Vagina Monologues are performed each year as the centrepiece of V-Day (February 14th and thereabouts), a worldwide initiative to raise money through creative activities for groups campaigning for an end to violence against women, and caring for women after abuse. You support a good cause by going to every V-Day event - all profits from this performance are going to OxfordÕs Rape Crisis Centre, and the women and children of Afghanistan. (Read more about V-Day at