"All the Great Books" - Reduced Shakespeare Company 16/10/03

Forget setting up a book group and resist the tempation to join a library, if you want to find out about literature, go to the Reduced Shakespeare Company production of "All the Great Books".

I went on Thursday 16 October at 7.30 pm to the production housed in the relatively new theatre at Headington Secondary School. Taking one and a half hours to provide insight into 90 books, this travelling trio had the audience with them from the blow of the coaches whistle, to the dying 90 second review. Tim Beckman played the part of the coach, refereeing squabbles and even setting the audience homewrok as we travelled through the passages of literary time. Graham Vick was a great counterfoil complete with bow tie, ever the typical literary nerd, while in this production the stooge, dame and third part was superbly played by Matt Blair. The fourth member of the group was in the audience watching the performance. My personal favoutrites were the segment of Louisa May Alcott's book "Little Women" and the comedic impression of Don Quixote.

The production superbly mixed elements of theatre sports, puppetry, mime, inner thought and of course plenty of audience participation. Time went quickly as we sat through what was described as "the arbitrary list of the ninety greatest books of Western literature". The poratrayal of these texts were interwoven with links to politics, television and local humour and well worth a vist. If this is comedy, frankly, my fellow thespians, "I do give a damn!"

Production dates continue until 20 December in Folkestone and can be found at www.reducedshakespeare.co.uk

Enjoy it

Karen Fletcher