Thank you!

Your beloved should receive a copy of our Valentine sheet!

Sheets will be sent out by first class post on Monday evening (13th Feb 2012).

THANKS; $email=''; if (is_array($_SESSION['email']) && countValid($_SESSION['email'])){ $email=$_SESSION['email'][0]; } ?> Daily Info, Oxford, UK

Email us if you’ve already placed your Valentine message on our Valentine page and you want your beloved to receive a copy of it in our printed sheet for Tuesday 14th Feb 2012.

Please note: we can only do this for emails received by noon on Monday 13th Feb 2012.

The postal address where we should send the sheet:

The display name with which you submitted your Valentine:

Your email address:

(so we can contact you if anything is unclear. We will never send you unsolicited marketing. Privacy Policy)

Please note: we can only do this for emails received by noon on Monday 13th Feb 2012. We offer this as a free service, in good faith, and while we will make every effort to get everything right, we cannot be held responsible for any emotional, financial or moral damage caused by our making terrible mistakes.