Rory Bremner

Oxford Playhouse 3/8/02

Rory walks comfortably onto the stage wearing an unassuming black suit and pastel shirt. He performs two half hour sets of topical political satire in the vein of his Channel 4 television show where he impersonates key public figures. The material covers politics both in the UK and USA so has a broad appeal. The sheer brilliance of Bremner¹s script and the outstanding accuracy with which he mimics politicians makes this a must-see. A lot of the jokes need some thinking about and I found myself laughing out loud on the journey home as the penny finally dropped.

The routine is so full of gags, songs and scenarios ­ retelling one will not spoil its impact. Bremner impersonates Bill Clinton making a comment on the last US presidential election which climaxed in a recount in Florida, "The American People have spoken. We just don¹t know what they said." The show is so close to reality, the jokes have gravity. There are more high profile politicians in the show than in the House of Commons. Bremner is even secure enough to ask for requests from the audience for any he has left out. Come the next general election, I¹m voting Bremner.

Recognition should also be given to the skilled comic Paul Thorn who filled the support slot. One family on the front row became stars for the night thanks to Thorn¹s improvisation skills. Thorn got the loudest laugh of the evening leaving us with visions of Mars being twinned with Birmingham and John Prescott driving National Welsh buses. Such visions warmed us up beautifully for the sharp edge of Mr Bremner¹s cutting satire.

Lita Doolan

Rory Bremner is performing at the Assembly Rooms, Edinburgh August 11-17