Current competitions
Daily Info's Valentine's Competition 2025
Pro- and Anti-Valentine's Poetry Contest
Valentine's Day approaches and Daily Info has a pair of prizes to give away. For those who want to take a date out for a night of comedy, we have two tickets for Jericho Comedy at the North Wall (on Valentine's itself). And those who'd prefer a trip to the pub (with friends or your date) we've a £50 voucher to win for Dodo Pubs. You can find some of the entries we've already received here.
How to enter:
To be in with a chance of winning all you need to do is send in a pro- or anti-Valentine's poem and Daily Info will pick our two favourite poems. Send your entry to [email protected] with your name and which prize takes your fancy. This competition will close at midday (GMT) on Tuesday 11th February with winners picked at random.
We will select the winners on Tuesday 11th February and notify them as soon as possible - however, if we cannot reach the winners we reserve the right to offer the prize to a runner-up entrant.
There are no cash alternatives to these prizes, which have been generously offered by Dodo Pubs and Jericho Comedy. By entering this competition you give permission for Daily Info to publish your poem on our website.
Past Competitions
Make 'em laugh: Daily Info's January 2025 comedy giveaway
This competion is now closed. Thanks for entering!
Christmas may be over and the days may be wet and cold, but that doesn't mean we can't have a laugh this January. Daily Info have partnered with Jericho Comedy to give away tickets to the afternoon session of their annual Oxfordshire Mind Comedy Gala on Saturday 11th January. The comedy gala has a line-up that includes Dom Joly, Katie Norris, and Chelsea Birkby.
How to enter:
Send us an email to [email protected] with your name and as well as a favourite joke. It can be a cracker joke, a knock-knock, a pun; anything that tickles your funny bone. This competition will close at midday (GMT) on Wednesday 8th January with winners picked at random.
We will select the winners on Wednesday 8th January and notify them as soon as possible - however, if we cannot reach the winners we reserve the right to offer the prize to a runner up entrant.
There are no cash alternatives to these prizes, which have been generously offered by Jericho Comedy.
The Great Big Christmas Show Giveaway
Throughout November, Daily Info are giving away tickets to some of the best family shows happening this winter in Oxford. Each week we will give away tickets for a different show, so keep an eye on our competition page for a chance to win tickets.
The prizes
We are giving away tickets for the following shows:
This week is now closed. During the week of Monday 11th to Sunday 17th November – Jack and the Beanstalk at Chipping Norton Theatre for your choice of a select performance (subject availability)
This week is now closed. During the week of Monday 18th to Sunday 24th November – Hansel & Grettel at The North Wall for Sunday 1st December
This week is now closed. During the week of Monday 25th November to Sunday 1st December – The Elves & the Shoemaker at Pegasus Theatre for either Saturday 14th or Sunday 15th November
This week is now closed. During the week of Monday 2nd to Sunday 8th December –
Cinderella at the Cornerstone Arts Centre on Saturday 21st December
How to enter:
Send us an email to [email protected] with your name and the show you are entering for, the week that this prize draw is open. Each week a different show prize draw will take place, with entries closing on midday of the respective Sunday. You can enter for each of the show prize draws once, so have a chance to win tickets for all four shows: but make sure you enter for the correct show on the correct week.
We will select the winners on the Monday the giveaway closes and notify them as soon as possible - however, if we cannot reach the winners we reserve the right to offer the prize to a runner up entrant.
There are no cash alternatives to these prizes, which have been generously offered by Chipping Norton Theatre, Pegasus Theatre, Cornerstone Arts Centre, and Creation Theatre
Fireworks Competition 2024
This competion is now closed. Thanks for entering!
Win family tickets for Oxford Round Table Fireworks,
The prizes: - a family ticket bundle up for grabs (each includes 2 adult tickets and 2 child tickets).
This competition is open for 0 – 17 year olds.
How to enter:
1) Create your fireworks-themed art work in any medium (including digital)
2) Send it or scan a photo of it to [email protected] including the following information: the name and age of the artist, PLUS the name and contact details of their parent or guardian (we will email the winners’ parents/guardians to arrange the tickets).
You can submit as many entries as you like: as long as they reach us by the deadline of noon, Tuesday 29th October we will look at them!
We will select the winners on October 29th and notify them as soon as possible - however, if we cannot reach the winners we reserve the right to offer the prize to a runner up entrant.
The winner's email will be shared with a representative of Oxford Round Table in order to arrange e-tickets.
Winners and runners-up may have their artworks shared on Daily Info's social media accounts, along with a first name and age, but no identifying information will be shared (this includes information in the art work, for example, school names or recognisable uniform crests).
There are no cash alternatives to these prizes, which have been generously offered by Oxford Round Table.
Celebrating Creation Theatre's Summer of Open-Air Theatre
This competion is now closed. Thanks for entering!
This year Creation Theatre are presenting a pair of open-air productions - As You Like It and Treasure Island - at Wycliffe Hall. And to celebrate, Daily Info have tickets to both productions to giveaway!
How to enter:
To be in with a chance to win, simply answer these questions all about previous plays performed by Creation Theatre:
Who are the sparring couple at the centre of Much Ado About Nothing?
In The Wind in the Willows where do Mole and Ratty first meet Badger?
'Four legs good, two legs bad' comes from which novel recently adapted by Creation Theatre?
Who wrote the 17th century comedy The Alchemist?
What is the troup of amateur actors called in A Midsummer Night's Dream?
Send your answer to [email protected], along with if you'd prefer As You Like It or Treasure Island. This competition will close at midday (GMT) on Friday 19th July with winners picked at random.
We will select the winners on Friday 19th July and notify them as soon as possible - however, if we cannot reach the winners we reserve the right to offer the prize to a runner-up entrant.
There are no cash alternatives to this prize, which have been donated by Creation Theatre
Daily Info's Father's Day Competition 2024
This is now closed. Thanks for entering.
This year Daily Info are partnering with Jericho Comedy to bring laughter to you and your dad. You can win a pair of tickets to a Jericho Comedy gig to share with your dad (or your guardian, friend, whoever you want!).
How to enter:
To be in with a chance to win, tell us your favourite dad joke. Make us laugh, make us cringe, impress us with your inner dad jokester. Send your answer to [email protected]. This competition will close at midday (GMT) on Wednesday 12th June with winners picked at random.
We will select the winners on Wednesday 12th June and notify them as soon as possible - however, if we cannot reach the winners we reserve the right to offer the prize to a runner-up entrant.
There are no cash alternatives to this prize, which have been generously offered by Jericho Comedy.
Daily Info's Mother’s Day Competition 2024
This is now closed. Thanks for entering.
This year Daily Info are partnering with the Phoenix Picturehouse to send you and your mum to the movies on Mother’s Day. You can win 2 cinema tickets, 2 drinks and a large popcorn to share with your mum (or your guardian, your friend, whoever you want!).
How to enter:
To be in with a chance to win tell us where the following matriachs are from:
Sarah Connor
Mrs March
Cersei Lannister
Mrs Wormwood
Donna Sheridan
Helen Parr
Margaret White
Barbara Simon
Jackie Goodman
Send your answers to [email protected]. This competition will close at midday (GMT) on Thursday 7th March with winners picked at random.
We will select the winners on Thursday 7th March and notify them as soon as possible - however, if we cannot reach the winners we reserve the right to offer the prize to a runner-up entrant.
There are no cash alternatives to this prize, which have been generously offered by the Phoenix Picturehouse.
Daily Info's Valentine's Competition 2024
This competition is now closed. Thanks for entering!
Valentine's Day approaches and Daily Info has prizes perfect for both the romantically inclined and those who'd rather ignore the day in its entirety. You can choose between a pair of tickets for Red Sky at Sunrise at the Oxford Playhouse or two tickets to Kieran Hodgson's latest stand up at the North Wall.
How to enter:
2024 marks Daily Info's 60th anniversary. Therefore, to be in with a chance to win, let us know where is your best place to celebrate an anniversary in Oxfordshire? Send your answers to [email protected] with your name and which prize takes your fancy. This competition will close at midday (GMT) on Monday 12th February with winners picked at random.
We will select the winners on Monday 12th February and notify them as soon as possible - however, if we cannot reach the winners we reserve the right to offer the prize to a runner-up entrant.
There are no cash alternatives to these prizes, which have been generously offered by the North Wall Arts Centre and the Oxford Playhouse.
The Great Big Christmas Show Giveaway
This competition is now closed. Thanks for entering!
Throughout November, Daily Info are giving away tickets to some of the best family shows happening this winter in Oxford. Each week we will give away tickets for a different show, so keep an eye on our competition page for a chance to win tickets.
The prizes
We are giving away tickets for the following shows:
These tickets have now been given away. During the week of Tuesday 7th to Monday 13th November – Jack and the Beanstalk at the Oxford Playhouse for your choice of an off-peak performance
These tickets have now been given away. During the week of Tuesday 14th to Monday 20th November – A Christmas Carol at The North Wall for Sunday 3rd December at 2pm
These tickets have now been given away. During the week of Tuesday 21st to Monday 27th November – Glacier at the Old Fire Station for your choice of performance (subject to availability)
These tickets have now been given away.During the week of Tuesday 28th November to Monday 4th December – Everybody's Talking About Jamie at the New Theatre for your choice of performance (subject to availability)
How to enter:
Send us an email to [email protected] with your name and the show you are entering for, the week that this prize draw is open. Each week a different show prize draw will take place, with entries closing on midday of the respective Thursday. You can enter for each of the show prize draws once, so have a chance to win tickets for all four shows: but make sure you enter for the correct show on the correct week.
We will select the winners on midday on the Monday the giveaway closes and notify them as soon as possible - however, if we cannot reach the winners we reserve the right to offer the prize to a runner up entrant.
There are no cash alternatives to these prizes, which have been generously offered by Oxford Playhouse, New Theatre, Old Fire Station, and Creation Theatre
Fireworks Competition 2023
This competition is now closed. Thanks for entering!
Win family tickets for Oxford Round Table Fireworks,
The prizes: - a family ticket bundle up for grabs (each includes 2 adult tickets and 2 child tickets)
This competition is open for 0 – 17 years olds.
How to enter:
1) Create your fireworks-themed art work in any medium (including digital)
2) Send it or scan a photo of it to [email protected] including the following information: the name and age of the artist, PLUS the name and contact details of their parent or guardian (we will email the winners’ parents/guardians to arrange the tickets).
You can submit as many entries as you like: as long as they reach us by the deadline of MIDNIGHT on OCTOBER 30 we will look at them!
We will select the winners on October 31st and notify them as soon as possible - however, if we cannot reach the winners after three attempts we reserve the right to offer the prize to a runner up entrant.
We will ask winners for permission to share their email with a representative of Oxford Round Table in order to arrange e-tickets.
Winners and runners-up may have their artworks shared on Daily Info's social media accounts, along with a first name and age, but no identifying information will be shared (this includes information in the art work, for example, school names or recognisable uniform crests).
There are no cash alternatives to these prizes, which have been generously offered by Oxford Round Table.
Daily Info's Waterperry Opera Festival giveaway
This competition is now closed. Thanks for entering!
This August, the Waterperry Opera Festival is back with a fabulous line-up of new and returning productions. And Daily Info has family tickets to give away for Roald Dahl's Revolting Rhymes.
To be in with a chance to win let us know either your favourite opera or Roald Dahl story. Send your answers to [email protected]. This competition will close at midday on Wednesday 9th August with winners picked at random.
We will select the winners on Wednesday 9th August and notify them as soon as possible - however, if we cannot reach the winners we reserve the right to offer the prize to a runner up entrant.
There are no cash alternatives to these prizes, which have been generously offered by the Waterperry Opera Festival.
Daily Info's Great Oxford Summer Giveaway
This competitions is now closed. Thanks for entering!
This summer Daily Info is partnering with several venues to celebrate summer in Oxford with giveaway tickets to some fabulous shows and experiences.
We have tickets for
Creation Theatre's Much Ado About Nothing
Around the World in 80 Days at the Oxford Playhouse
Romeo & Juliet, performing as part of the Oxford Shakespeare Festival
Oxford Theatre Guild's The Recruiting Officer
The Paddington Experience at Blenheim Palace.
To be in with a chance to win fill in this Google Form with your preference and your favourite summer spot in Oxford. This competition will close at midday on Friday 14th July with winners picked at random.
Also keep an eye on our Instagram account for a chance to win tickets to the Oxford Shakespeare Festival.
We will select the winners on Friday 14th July and notify them as soon as possible - however, if we cannot reach the winners we reserve the right to offer the prize to a runner up entrant.
There are no cash alternatives to these prizes, which have been generously offered by Creation Theatre, the Oxford Playhouse, the Oxford Theatre Guild, Blenheim Palace and Wild Goose Theatre.
Have a drink on Father's Day with Daily Info and Tap Social
This competitions is now closed. Thanks for entering!
This Father's Day, Daily Info has partnered with the fabulous team at Tap Social to give away two £50 vouchers to a pair of the brewery's Oxford venues.
To be in with a chance to win let us know your favourite fictional father. Send your answers to [email protected]. This competition will close at midday (GMT) on Sunday 18th June with winners picked at random.
Also keep an eye on our Instagram account for another chance to win.
We will select the winners on Monday 19th June and notify them as soon as possible - however, if we cannot reach the winners we reserve the right to offer the prize to a runner up entrant.
There are no cash alternatives to these prizes, which have been generously offered by the Tap Social Movement.
A trip to the theatre with the Royal Shakespeare Company
This competitions is now closed. Thanks for entering!
This Mother's Day, the Royal Shakespeare Company are helping Daily Info celebrate with the chance to win a pair of tickets to Cymbeline. A rare late romance from the Bard, this is a theatrical treat that moves from Rome to the hills of Wales, a beautiful fairy tale like no other in the writer's body of work.
To be in with a chance to win let us know either your favourite literary or theatrical mother. Send your answers to [email protected]. This competition will close at midday (GMT) on Sunday 19th March with winners picked at random.
We will select the winners on Monday 20th March and notify them as soon as possible - however, if we cannot reach the winners we reserve the right to offer the prize to a runner up entrant.
There are no cash alternatives to these prizes, which have been generously offered by the Royal Shakespeare Company. The prize is a pair of tickets to the 1.15pm performance on Saturday 13th May. Tickets are only available for the specified performance. In the unlikely event that the performance is cancelled, the RSC will do its best to find another mutually convenient date for the winner to see the show, but the RSC will not be liable for any additional costs incurred such as, but not limited to, transport or accommodation costs.
A night out at the Phoenix Picturehouse
This competitions is now closed. Thanks for entering!
An Oxford institution has a very big birthday this month. The Phoenix Picturehouse turns 110(!) and to celebrate they've partnered with Daily Info to give away some prizes. If you'd like a night out at The Phoenix with tickets, drinks and popcorn, as well as other cinematic goodies, then enter our competition.
To be in with a chance to win let us know either your favourite memory of the Phoenix Picturehouse or the best film you've seen at the cinema. Send your answers to [email protected]. This competition will close at midday (GMT) on Wednesday 15th March with winners picked at random.
We will select the winners on Wednesday 15th March and notify them as soon as possible - however, if we cannot reach the winners we reserve the right to offer the prize to a runner up entrant.
There are no cash alternatives to these prizes, which have been generously offered by the Phoenix Picturehouse.
Daily Info's Valentine's Competition 2023
This competitions is now closed. Thanks for entering!
Valentine's Day approaches and Daily Info has prizes perfect for both the romantically inclined and those who'd rather ignore the day in its entirety. On the pro-Valentine's side you can win a pair of tickets for Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë’s love story, which comes to the Oxford Playhouse in May. And for those a bit more anti Valentine's we've a pair of Warrior packages (archery and axe throwing) at Ridgeway Adventures. So whether you're in the mood for costume drama romance or lobbing an axe at some wood, we've got you covered.
How to enter:
To be in with a chance to win one of these prizes, you need to take part in our rom com movie quote quiz!
1. Do you ever have déjà vu, Mrs. Lancaster?
2. It is a truth universally acknowledged that when one part of your life starts going okay, another falls spectacularly to pieces.
3. But mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.
4. Is it still raining? I hadn't noticed.
5. I’m also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.
Send your answers to [email protected] with your name and which prize takes your fancy. This competition will close at midday (GMT) on Tuesday 14th February with winners picked at random.
We will select the winners on Tuesday 14th February and notify them as soon as possible - however, if we cannot reach the winners we reserve the right to offer the prize to a runner up entrant.
There are no cash alternatives to these prizes, which have been generously offered by Ridgeway Adventures and the Oxford Playhouse.
Make 'em laugh: Daily Info's January comedy giveaway
This competitions i now closed. Thanks for entering!
Christmas may be over and the days may be wet and cold, but that doesn't mean we can't have a laugh this January. Daily Info have partnered with The Glee Club to giveaway tickets to their Saturday evening stand up shows (your choice of gig until the end of February).
How to enter:
Send us an email to [email protected] with your name and as well as the best stand up comedian you've seen live. This competition will close at midday (GMT) on Monday 23rd January with winners picked at random.
We will select the winners on Monday 23rd January and notify them as soon as possible - however, if we cannot reach the winners we reserve the right to offer the prize to a runner up entrant.
There are no cash alternatives to these prizes, which have been generously offered by The Glee Club
The Great Big Christmas Show Giveaway
This competition is now closed. Thank you to everyone who entered!
Throughout November, Daily Info are giving away tickets to some of the best family shows happening this winter in and around Oxford. Each week we will give away tickets for a different show, so keep an eye on our competition page for a chance to win tickets.
The prizes
We are giving away tickets for the following shows
NOW CLOSED During the week of Friday 4th to Thursday 10th November – Dick Whittington at Chipping Norton Theatre for your choice of performance on the 16th & 17th November
NOW CLOSED During the week of Friday 11th to Thursday 17th November – The Royal Christmas Pudding at The Story Museum for your choice of performance on the 3rd & 4th December
NOW CLOSED During the week of Friday 18th to Thursday 24th November – Cinderella at the Oxford Playhouse for your choice of any off peak performance throughout the run
NOW CLOSED During the week of Friday 25th November to Thursday 1st December – The Tale of Beauty and the Tail of the Beast at the North Wall Theatre for your choice of performance on the 4th December
How to enter:
Send us an email to [email protected] with your name and the show you are entering for, the week that this prize draw is open. Each week a different show prize draw will take place, with entries closing on midday of the respective Thursday. You can enter for each of the show prize draws once, so have a chance to win tickets for all four shows but make sure you enter for the correct show on the correct week.
We will select the winners on that Thursday and notify them as soon as possible - however, if we cannot reach the winners we reserve the right to offer the prize to a runner up entrant.
There are no cash alternatives to these prizes, which have been generously offered by Chipping Norton Theatre, the Story Museum, Oxford Playhouse and Creation Theatre
Fireworks Competition 2022
This competition is now closed. Thank you to everyone who entered!
Win family tickets for Oxford Round Table Fireworks,
The prizes: - a family ticket bundles up for grabs (each includes 2 adult tickets and 2 child tickets)
This competition is open for 0 – 17 years olds.
How to enter:
1) Create your fireworks-themed art work in any medium (including digital)
2) Send it or scan a photo of it to [email protected] including the following information: the name and age of the artist, PLUS the name and contact details of their parent or guardian (we will email the winners’ parents/guardians to arrange the tickets).
You can submit as many entries as you like: as long as they reach us by the deadline of MIDNIGHT on OCTOBER 30 we will look at them!
We will select the winners on November 1st and notify them as soon as possible - however, if we cannot reach the winners after three attempts we reserve the right to offer the prize to a runner up entrant.
We will ask winners for permission to share their email with a representative of Oxford Round Table in order to arrange e-tickets.
Winners and runners-up may have their artworks shared on Daily Info's social media accounts, along with a first name and age, but no identifying information will be shared (this includes information in the art work, for example, school names or recognisable uniform crests).
There are no cash alternatives to these prizes, which have been generously offered by Oxford Round Table.
Waterperry Opera Competition 2022
A night at the opera
This competition is now closed. Thank you to everyone who entered!
The Waterperry Opera Festival returns for its fifth year and Daily Info is delighted to be giving away a pair of tickets to see The Marriage of Figaro on either the 13th or 20th August. The prize will also include 2 seats in the dining pavilion normally worth £120 (you will need to bring your own picnic).
For the chance to win these tickets answer the four questions about the opera and its famous composer:
1. In which city did The Marriage of Figaro premiere?
2. Where is the final act of the opera set?
3. When was Mozart born?
4. How much did the Imperial Italian Opera Company pay Mozart for the work?
To enter email your answers to [email protected]
The deadline for entries is midnight BST on Wednesday 20th July 2022, and a winner will be selected at random the following day. We will contact you to confirm that you are happy to accept the prize, and to ask for more details.
Competition notes:
- The prize will be organised directly by the team at Waterperry Opera Festival and there is no cash alternative available.
- The winner will be contacted according to their method of entry, and if no response is received after 12 hours Daily Info reserves the right to offer the prize to the runner up.
- Daily Info staff and their families cannot enter this competition.