July 31, 2008
The night I saw this, the threat of rain had changed the venue to St Columba's Church. Director and cast coped really well with the more cramped space (and intrusion of pulpit and altar!) and exits and entrances. The only unresolved issue was the sound system - the music for the Charleston at the Capulet's party bleated rather than boomed out.
Lucky Japan to receive in a fortnight's time this excellent production which moved at a good lick and was strongly cast. Tom Palmer as Romeo was slightly upstaged at the start by a bumptious Mercutio and Benvolio (Patrick Netherton made a great deal of the potentially dull latter in an intelligent, lively performance) but he and Corinne Sawers, appropriately looking about 14, seemed to find early marriage to be the making of them.
This Tybalt was a brooding, menacing figure and Lord Capulet was simply the best I've seen - a subtle mix of overweening authority and underlying paternal care.
Lucky Japan to receive in a fortnight's time this excellent production which moved at a good lick and was strongly cast. Tom Palmer as Romeo was slightly upstaged at the start by a bumptious Mercutio and Benvolio (Patrick Netherton made a great deal of the potentially dull latter in an intelligent, lively performance) but he and Corinne Sawers, appropriately looking about 14, seemed to find early marriage to be the making of them.
This Tybalt was a brooding, menacing figure and Lord Capulet was simply the best I've seen - a subtle mix of overweening authority and underlying paternal care.