Reviews by Josh Owen
2001: A Space Odyssey [U]
Josh Owen
Stanley Kubrick‘s science fiction masterpiece 2001: A Space Odyssey still manages to be the zenith of cinematic experience 44 years after its release.
Loosely adapted from the Arthur C. ...
13 years ago
2001: A Space Odyssey [U]
Akira [15]
Josh Owen
The groundbreaking film that brought 'anime' to the western world, Akira makes up for a lack of coherent storytelling with breathtaking animation.
Made in 1988, Akira shows us a vision of ...
13 years ago
Akira [15]
Martha Marcy May Marlene [15]
Josh Owen
A haunting and moving depiction of an isolated youth, Sean Durkin’s directing and writing debut is a psychological drama that is assured as it is surreal.
Martha Marcy May ...
13 years ago
Martha Marcy May Marlene [15]
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