The Black Horse in Thame - Festive Giveaway Competition!

Win a £50 voucher for a delicious meal at the Black Horse in Thame
This competition is now closed - we will be announcing the winner shortly!

With its unique combination of fine French-inspired cuisine and traditional pub decor, The Black Horse in Thame is the perfect place to enjoy some cosy-yet-opulent dining this festive season.

While the venue is closed during the national lockdown, the highly trained team (including no fewer than seven chefs!) is busy preparing to deliver their fabulous Christmas menus, with bookings available for parties (of up to 6 and within all covid-related guidelines) from 3rd December, and an extra-special menu for Christmas Day. Good news for organised bargain-hunters too: if you book for the festive 3-course menu before 15th November, each guest will receive a free glass of Prosecco.

To celebrate, we've teamed up with The Black Horse to offer one lucky winner a £50 gift voucher. All you have to do is tell us who you would take with you (or give the voucher to as a generous Christmas present) and why. You can be as straightforward or creative in your answer as you like! Enter below or by email to, before midday on 1st December 2020 - good luck!

Daily Info recently checked out the food on offer and we can confidently say it was truly fabulous, with a raft of measures taken to ensure your dining experience is covid-secure as well as relaxed and enjoyable. So enter our competition for your chance to see for yourself...

This competition is now closed - we will be announcing the winner shortly!

T&Cs: entries must be received through our website (below), email, Facebook or Twitter by midday on 1st December 2020. By entering you give us permission to contact you about the competition. We will not add you to a mailing list but will contact you to let you know whether or not you have won. The winner will be given a 48hr deadline to reply and confirm they would still like the prize - if we do not receive a reply by then we reserve the right to offer the prize to another competition entrant instead.

Entries so far:

It's my unbirthday dinner. Humpty Dumpty and I toy with our scrambled turkey eggs astride the Black Horse car park wall. No social distancing worries, no struggling to squeeze Humpty through the restaurant door. Should he overbalance, there'd be black horses galore to hoist him atop the wall again. I'd specified smart casual rather than DJ and dickie bow, given his difficulty in sorting out neck from waist. Humpty's both logician and philologist, so I'd be fastidious in differentiating my gerunds from my infinitives. But I'm in mean mood. Since happening, aged 8, upon my guest in Through the Looking Glass, I've burned at his brutal putting down of little Alice. Revenge will be sweet!

Andrew [producing matchbox from pocket. Two weevils crawl out]: 'Kindly pick one of these bugs.'

Humpty Dumpty [loftily]: 'I detect not a scrap of difference. They are the same species of woodlouse.'

Andrew: 'Weevils, not woodlice.'

Humpty Dumpty [scornfully]: 'When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less.'

Andrew: 'But suppose you had to pick?'

Humpty Dumpty: 'Then.... I choose the right-hand weevil; it has a perceptible advantage in volume.'

Andrew: [triumphantly]: 'Ha, got you! Did Mrs Dumpty senior never tell little Humpty always to choose the lesser of two weevils?'

I'd take my colleague who came from London to help in OUH at the start of the pandemic. We bonded over the intense and difficult period and she's been so supportive and we've become so close. She's moving to New Zealand in 2 weeks and I'll miss her so much.

I would take my daughter Sarah who is an NHS doctor. A few weeks ago she turned up with a home-made 'cuddle curtain' so we could finally cuddle for the first time in seven months when lockdown began. It was so nice.

I would take my husband with me to celebrate my 60th birthday coming up soon. What a treat after being stuck in doors for so long

I think I should take Daniele out for a good old fashioned posh country dinner. Why? because he's been working very hard and he is Italian. He needs to know that Brits might make a lot of culinary no-no's (Gammon marinated in coke, chips with gravy, fish for breakfast etc etc) but that sometimes he can take a risk... anyway, I would like to show my gratitude and appreciation by a nice evening out with GOOD food in BLIGHTY. Not mentioning the 'B' word, if our time as Europeans is really up this could be start of our BRITISH culinary renaissance!!

[I'd take] Emma because we run The Oxford Imps together and it’s turned us into an old married couple who need a night away from the kids

I'd take my partner Tom. He is stuck inside working from home all day while I'm out working long hours. He needs to get out more!

I live in West Oxfordshire and my friend lives in Thame. We both enjoy shopping in Thame on market days -especially the farmers market and then having lunch together. I'm gluten intolerant and was delighted to discover that The Black Horse had gluten free dishes on the menu. We've made two lunchtime visits so far - it would be to go back to treat her and to try the gluten free chocolate fondant for myself which I've not indulged in yet :-O

My mother - who will turn 100 in early January and who keeps asking when the Black Horse will be open again!

I'd bring my wife with me: Fennella. We love the Black Horse in Thame.

Last year we celebrated my late husband's 70th Birthday at The Black Horse with family & friends. We had a great evening. Unfortunately, we lost him to Leukaemia in February this year. It is my 70th Birthday in early December and I would love to treat my family to a meal, subject to the lockdown restrictions and the voucher would be very much appreciated. We love this restaurant.

I would love to treat my lovely mother, who is 97, and doing SO well! She is a real FOODIE and loved going out for lunch before the lockdown, Now I do the cooking at home, and try to create interesting and unusual food for her delectation! However, nothing beats a trip to a lovely local restaurant, as it's all about the atmosphere as well as the food!

I would take Santa Claus for an early dinner on the night before Christmas so that he doesn't get too hungry when he’s out delivering all of those lovely Christmas presents. But I wouldn’t let him eat too much because he might get stuck up the chimney!

I would take my closest family to the Black Horse for a superb meal.

My eldest daughter is a yoga teacher and has carried on her classes online, I would love to celebrate her birthday on the 15th December. Her husband, my younger daughter and her partner are all police officers and have worked so hard in very difficult circumstances. My husband and I have worked from home since March. We all love the atmosphere and the food and miss being able to go to our favourite restaurant.

I would take my lovely daughter Kath who has recently qualified as a social worker - she works so hard and really deserves a lovely night out

Love to bring friends we met in Manchester 50 years ago to this restaurant.

This would be a lovely way to say a huge thank you to my Hubby. He has been my rock this year, looking after me whilst I have been shielding.

I would take my husband for his birthday on 8th of December

I would take my boyfriend who quit his job and left his family in Poland to move in with me before we ended up locked down away from eachother. I've been trying to introduce him to proper British pub food and the like but it's been hard given the circumstances.

I would like to give this voucher to my friend who remains kind, loving and supportive even when she has had her life constrained due to being vulnerable and high risk during these difficult times.

She never lets her friends down, thinks only of others while fighting her own battles and represents all that is wonderful about friendships and staying connected. She is the sun our planets revolve around.

I would like my son to have this prize, as through all this pandemic, he has constantly called to check that I’m ok.

I would use the voucher to share a meal with my lovely foster daughter who came to me age 13 years and is now 21 and in her Masters year at Birmingham University. I am so proud of her determination, resilience and commitment to succeed despite any hurdles placed in her way. Like many young students she unfortunately contracted Covid 19 and observed the isolation period, devoting part of this time to researching support/activities to help the homeless while she is home over this Christmas period.

This young woman is resourceful, caring and sharing and constantly amazes me with her ability to overcome 'the odds' with a smile and positive attitude to life.

I would love to give such a treat as a festive gift to my good friend Lisa & her partner Steve. Steve was furloughed but just about clung on to his job. Lisa however was struggling with her mental health and seeking counselling just as the world went to hell in a handbasket.

Her confidence had taken such a knock that she was out of work and wasn't in any shape to 'sell herself' in interviews. As she engaged with the support that moved on-line, she slowly rallied and gradually climbed out of the pit.

Eventually she felt strong enough to start looking for work, even in these such drastically changed times. Having applied for over 100+ jobs, many of which went without even acknowledgment, she has finally landed a new role and just started (from home) yesterday - there were 680 applicants! - so this has finally boosted her confidence, but it's still a mental challenge for her to stay positive and believe in herself.

On only 1 reduced income, there's been no spare money for treats; I wish I could give her a hug, but I would love to surprise her with such an "atta girl" ;-) reward for her tenacity.

I would like to take my husband. He has been our rock this year. Shielding whilst pregnant and not having support with a newborn has been really hard. With our first born starting school and a newborn this year we really need a date night. X

Hi, if i won the voucher i would give it to my mum and dad. Im currently going through chemo and they have been unbelievably supportive. It would show how thankful i am for them and what they are doing for me.

Thank you

I'd take my friend, Jean, because she is the nicest person I know!

I would give this to my friend Katie. She as worked in a care home for the elderly through the pandemic. We had booked a table at the Black Horse to celebrate her birthday in November. But is was cancelled due to lockdown 2. Katie deserves a late birthday treat.

I would take my 3 children, who have had to endure school as normal during the first lockdown so that I could carry on working - I am a key worker and work in the NHS.

I would take my husband as he has early stage dementia and I don't know how long he will be aware of his surroundings. We will have been married 60 years next year and a treat for all of his kindness and companionship over the years is always called for.

I would also bring my son and his partner for a treat as they have been wonderfully kind over the past year. We couldn't have managed without them.

We will be coming to eat with The Black Horse again regardless.

I would gift it to our waiter when we next come for a meal after lockdown as a big thank you for the good service

And to help them feel a bit better during all the difficult times we are facing

I’d like to take out my fiancé for his patience this year, as we’ve had to cancel our wedding three (!) times in 2020 and would love to have a meal with him, just to celebrate that end the end of the day...we’re still healthy, safe and in love ????

I would like to take my daughter, who has learning difficulties and has had to remain in her supported living flat during lockdown.

She has been unable to process what is happening and is very confused by the situation.

She is normally a very social person and would really love to go out to eat and engage, at a social distance, of course, with other people again.

I would give the voucher to my grandson and his fiancée who were due to be married on the 19th December but have had to postpone until next year. They could then have a meal together and think of what might have been happening!

I would like to give the voucher to my husband who is retiring 17 th December. Well deserved for a lifetime of hard work.

I would take my Dad who is 91 and has really missed his meals out with the family. (Especially at The Black Horse)

I would like to enter this competition on behalf of all my wonderful colleagues at the Surgical Emergency Unit at the John Radcliffe Hospital - It is such a dedicated team that has continued to provide high quality care to all its patients during the Covid crisis. If we win this voucher, it will be entered into our Xmas raffle, giving all nursing and clinical staff a chance to win a lovely meal at the Black Horse. A lovely end to such a difficult year.

I would take my son . He completed his Physics degree this year and his graduation should have been at the Royal Albert Hall. Like many other students, this has been postponed and may not happen at all. It would be a wonderful treat to celebrate his achievements.

David, because we need a break from co-parenting our crazy toddler (and because my bday is during lockdown)

I would like to take my wonderful boyfriend David.

I lost my job at the start of the pandemic and he stepped in by moving in and helping me pay for my mortgage and food for my daughter :)

He has worked the whole way through lock down and also helped me get my new job in a nursing home.

I think he deserves a night off and no better place then the Black Horse in Thame

We have heard the food is amazing and the staff are really friendly :)

Would love some Plonk thanks to Raymond Blanc :)

I could say for myself to celebrate my birthday on 19th December, we were due to go to London to see Beverley Knight in the musical The Drifter Girl, but it was cancelled, like lots of things sadly .

But instead I think it would make a more fitting gift, so my nomination would be son’s girlfriend, she was in the final year of doing her nursing degree at King's College Hospital as Covid-19 broke. Her last placement was due to be on a dementia ward, but due to demand the ward was quickly changed to a Covid-19 ward.

A very intensive and emotional as well as physical and mental experience.

She is now qualified and working at the JR, I would like her to enjoy something nice and have a happy ending memory of 2020.

Many thanks

I’d love to surprise my fiancé with a £50 gift voucher to the Black horse. He proposed 3 days before lockdown and as we don’t live together, because we are Christians it would be lovely to dine out again together after lockdown.

My birthday was Sept 30

He proposed Oct 30

1 year anniversary is Nov 30

We won’t be able to spend our anniversary together but hopefully afterwards we can :)

I hope whoever you choose has a lovely dining experience at the Black Horse because it really is a wonderful place, with a warm ambiance.

Photo credit: Ritesh Vyas

I would take my partner Neil Smith, who has worked really hard this year despite being made redundant during the pandemic.

I would take my best friend with me.

She’s had a horrible year, a messy break up, a job down the pan due to COVID, her mum, Nan and aunt all extremely unwell and she’s juggling them all and two kids alone and is about to move house. She needs a night off majorly ??

I would like to take my 3 children and my husband as the kids have been wonderful during lockdown, facing each crisis as it came and supporting us and each other whilst my husband goes through chemotherapy. 2020 has definitely never stopped throwing things at us and I just want to say how proud I am of them all and how much I love them.

I would take my mum as she has been diagnosed with vascular dementia and I know she would enjoy it immensely.

I'd give the voucher to my brother and his fiancee, who had to cancel their wedding at a few weeks' notice due to the second lockdown. It was only going to be a small wedding for close family, and they haven't lost much money on the bookings, but they don't know when they will be able to try again and they could do with a bit of cheering up.

I would give the voucher to SandyPandy to take her mother!

I would take my husband as we have been married for 18 years, both work full time, but never have the time or money to go out for a romantic meal. We are blessed with three beautiful children which we are so grateful for, but we have forgotten to save any time for us to be together and just talk, we’re usually too busy working or being mum and dad, so a night off to relax, eat great food, drink good wine, in a beautiful setting with a lovely atmosphere would be just what we need. Thank you

If I could I would take the whole world to this meal,

Socially distancing of course, a new word we have all learnt this year,

I would use this meal to celebrate the courage each and every person has shown in the face of this pandemic.

Like all other major disasters that make history, this year has been beyond terrifying, the loss of life has been beyond belief and the impact on the world economy has been catastrophic .

However, the light that has shone so brightly around the world is the light that is fuelled by Hope, human kindness,and resourcefulness .

Beside the daily news footage of death toll, job losses and long term effects of Covid-19 are the uplifting images of communities coming together in adversity, showing people clapping for the NHS, volunteers supporting ill or vulnerable people and those in self-isolation.

To get together for a celebration of these things would support everyone to feel valued and know that whatever happens in the future, hope and human kindness will prevail. (Oh by the way, anyone attending the meal, please bring your own toilet roll as some one has stockpiled them all)

I would take my best friend, he has lived abroad for the past 6 years and so I have only seen him a handful of times.

He returned to the UK a few weeks ago and just as he finished his quarantine period the lockdown started so we still haven't seen each other. We are both from Oxford originally and it would be lovely to have a day trip home to show him how much things have changed followed by an evening chatting and catching up

I would keep the voucher for myself because due to this difficult situation I stayed strong...I looked after my family, I fought with my demons, I've been through all these hard moments without being able to see my parents from abroad, I kept a smile on my face even when I had no reasons to do so. I kept my body in a good shape, I was an example for my boys showing them my strength. I lost my dream yes...I deserve it! :)

I would like to give the voucher to my mother who this year despite lockdown and waiting for a knee operation is 77 years old. She kept us all sane and happy despite her own loneliness and spoke with us everyday on the phone . She will be 78 this year and she served for the NHS for over 30 years as a nurse on the shortstay ward , where she looked after many overdose patients and also critical care patients. She told me she was on of the nurses who bathed Andy Gibb one of the Bee Gees brothers when he died at the JR many years back. Though her salary wasn't big she always saved a little money to help her children and often NHS nurses get overlooked when they work so many years. She also has her birthday in November so I would like to give her and her favourite grandson Arthur who is 11 years old this voucher and make her happy.

her loving daughter Sandy

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