Mother's Day in Oxford

Original ideas for Mother's Day


It's possible that our fashion for bringing home flowers is a hold-over from prehistoric times, when offspring would prove their fitness by killing wild animals, and dragging the carcasses back to the cave, to the delight of their parents. Or maybe a bouquet just looks pretty. Either way, no mother can fail to appreciate a gift of flowers. In the case of severe hayfever, consider lamination (for the flowers or the mother, as appropriate).

You can buy flowers at one of Oxford's wonderful independent florists, many of whom stock English-grown flowers, as well as exotic delights and indoor & outdoor plants. If you mother is so inclined, you could even get her some seed potatoes!

Of course, you don't need to let the symbol of your filial love languish in a vase- you could take your mum for a walk in one of Oxford's beautiful green spaces, and see some living flowers as well.

Head to the University Parks to see daffodils & snowdrops - especially in the area known as Parson's Pleasure, where once upon a time women were not allowed lest they catch sight of the dons bathing nude in the Cherwell. In these more enlightened times, both you and your mum can enjoy the views from the riverbank - naked professors not included.

Take a walk in Headington Hill Park, and see the crocuses thriving in amidst the bustle of east Oxford.

Trek out to the glorious Wytham Woods, where bluebells bloom amidst a huge, ancient semi-natural woodland. Buses run regularly from the city centre to Wolvercote, and then it's a half-hour walk to Wytham. Note that the University (who use the woods for environmental research) ask you to get a free permit before you visit the wood.


Flowers & chocolate go together like motherhood & gin - they're a natural complement. Oxford has a huge array of cafes, cake shops & chocolatiers to choose from, so ditch the Quality Street and take to the streets! Just a few suggestions:

For the Sweet-Tooth Mama, you can't beat Coco Noir in Headington, where imported Belgian chocolates meet art-deco design for a true chocoholic's fantasy.

If your mother is allergic to gluten, dairy, or any of the other foodstuffs that work part-time as horrible toxins to some portion of the population, try the Fudge Kitchen on Broad Street. They now offer a range of tasty fudges, stripped of potential poisons. Get your timing right and you can see a massive copper cauldron of fudge being poured onto a marble slab to cool.

For the Artisan Mama, Quarter Horse Coffee on Cowley Road serves the best coffee in town. Treat yer ma to a delicious flat white and salted caramel brownie.

For the Cultural Mama, head to the Ashmolean Dining Room for afternoon tea, after a slow perusal around the Museum. Hidden from the world below, the dining room offers the perfect culture ft. cake vibes.

For the Avant-Garde Mama, Modern Art Oxford has an array of exhibitions and events. Go visit the Kaleidoscope exhibition, celebrating 50 years of MOA. Or sip on a nice tea and snack in the cafe.

For the Hungry Mama, The Magdalen Arms is one of Oxford's finest dining establishments. Surprise your mum with a lunch or dinner, and then burn it off with a wander around the canal (Iffley Lock is particularly lovely).

More Ideas!

For a cornucopia of Mothers Day ideas from Oxford residents - have a look at our extensive list of 'what would you do on Mother's Day in Oxford' competition responses!


If you are seeking diversion or respite after a hard day's Mother's Day shopping (or thinking about making - they always like something you've made, even if you made it out of mud) do try our Mother's Day Quiz!

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